NintendoWare for Revolution

LayoutEditor Terminology

This glossary defines terms and describes configurations commonly used with LayoutEditor in alphabetical order.

For details on Wii graphics features, see the Wii developer documentation.


Bounding Pane (Boundary Condition Pane)

This pane is used for performing "hit" checks. Although it has position and shape information, it is not actually displayed.

This is used to determine whether the cursor is located within a specified area.


These files contain font data converted into binary data.

This is used as the display font for text box panes.

The file extension is brfnt (Binary Revolution FoNT).

These files are generated by Font Converter (nw4r_fntcvtr.exe or nw4r_fntcvtrc.exe).

For details, see the Font Converter manual.


These files contain animation curves converted into binary data.

Regardless of the animation type, the file extension is brlan (Binary Revolution Layout ANimation).

These files are generated by LayoutEditor (LayoutEditor.exe) or LayoutConverter (nw4r_lytcvtr.exe).


These files contain layout data converted into binary data.

The file extension is brlyt (Binary Revolution LaYouT).

These files are generated by LayoutEditor (LayoutEditor.exe) or LayoutConverter (nw4r_lytcvtr.exe).

Coordinate System

Manages data in a coordinate system in which the positive x-axis direction is to the right, the positive y-axis direction is up, and the positive z-axis direction is into the screen.

Indirect Texture

Rather than just apply a texture pattern as is, you can use indirect textures to create expressions, such as indirectly sliding and distorting base textures—one of the Wii's unique abilities.

You can produce various effects by manipulating the indirect texture matrix and combining it with texture SRT animation.

Indirect texture settings are made using LayoutEditor.

Interpolate Color

This feature specifies the lowest and highest intensity color when applying colors to an image having only intensity and essentially no RGB component.

This feature is used when creating expressions such as tinting the entire screen blue. This is done by using LayoutEditor to set the interpolation color for white and black, then set the blue component for black color interpolation (whether or not the image is an intensity-only image) or darken the image by setting white color interpolation to gray.

Layout Binary Converter

This converter is used to convert layout data files to binary files.

The name of the executable file is nw4r_lytcvtr.exe. This may appear in documentation as either nw4r_lytcvtr or lytcvtr.

For details, see the Layout Binary Converter manual.


LayoutEditor is a GUI application for editing layouts and displaying layouts and animations through communication with the Viewer.

LayoutLib (Layout Library)

The Layout library was created to make the layout of text boxes and similar items simple and efficient.

Layouts are displayed and animations played back using layout binary files converted from layout data files.

Since the Viewer uses the Layout library to display layouts, expressions, and movements displayed in the Viewer can be reproduced as is within games.

Material Color Animation

A material color animation is an animation in which the material color is made to change.

This type of animation includes the animation of monochrome interpolation colors.

Multiple Texture

This indicates that two or more textures have been applied to a polygon. These are also called multilayer textures.

With the Wii, up to eight textures can be applied at once. When a different UV value is specified for each separate texture, it is called a "multi-UV texture."

Multi-textures are set using LayoutEditor.

Null Pane

The null pane is used as the basis for all panes. Although it has position and shape information, it is not actually displayed.

This type of pane is used when doing things like setting parent-child relationships for multiple panes with the null pane as the parent, moving all panes together, or controlling whether the display is on or off.

Palette Format

It is possible to use any of the following three palette formats with the Wii.

IA88-bit intensity + 8-bit alpha (16 bits/texel)
RGB56516-bit RGB (R5+G6+B5).
RGB5A3RGB555 format (opaque) or RGBA4443 format (translucent)

The palette format is specified when saving TGA files with additional information attached using the file format plug-in for Photoshop.

Pane SRT Animation

A pane SRT animation is an animation in which the pane's SRT (Scale, Rotate, and Translate) array and size are made to change.

Scale corresponds to scaling, Rotate to rotation, and Translate to the display position.

Photoshop Plug-in

This is a plug-in for Photoshop provided by NintendoWare.

Picture Pane

Picture panes are used to display images (textures).


Rlan files are used by LayoutEditor to save animation curves.

Regardless of the animation type, the file extension is rlan (standing for Revolution Layout ANimation).


Rlyt files are used by LayoutEditor to save layout data.

The file extension is rlyt (Revolution LaYouT).

Safety Frame

The Safety Frame is the area in which the image can be properly displayed on nearly all televisions. Images usually take up about 80% of the screen area.

Information that is important to the game must be displayed within the range of the Safety Frame.

For detailed information on the Safety Frame, see the separate Safety Frame Guidelines document.

LayoutEditor allows you to set whether to show the area outside the safety frame using the Tool Environment Setup Dialog.

Text Box Pane

Text box panes are used to display text.

Texture Format

It is possible to use any of the following eleven texture formats with the Wii.

I44-bit Intensity
IA44-bit intensity + 4-bit alpha (8 bits/texel)
I88-bit Intensity
IA88-bit intensity + 8-bit alpha (16 bits/texel)
RGB56516-bit RGB (R5+G6+B5).
RGB5A3RGB555 format (opaque) or RGBA4443 format (translucent)
RGBA832-bit full color RGBA (8 bits per channel)
CompressionCompressed format (4 bits/texel).
C44-bit color index
C88-bit color index
C1414-bit color index

The texture format is specified when using the Photoshop plug-in to save TGA files with attached additional information.

Texture SRT Animation

A texture SRT animation is an animation in which the SRT (Scale, Rotate, and Translate) matrix of the texture displayed in the pane is made to change.

This type of animation can be used to scroll and/or rotate textures by changing the SRT matrix.

Texture Pattern Animation

This type of animation swaps the textures being displayed for panes.

TGA File with Additional Information

This is a TGA file with special information added for NintendoWare.

Although additional information is attached, these files can be used just like conventional TGA files.

TGA files with additional information are created and edited using the Photoshop plug-in.


This is another name for a TGA file with additional information.

Vertex Color Animation

A vertex color animation is an animation in which the vertex colors of the four corners of a pane are made to change.


The Viewer displays layouts and animations on the Wii console.

By communicating with LayoutEditor, the Viewer can be used to confirm changes made under LayoutEditor in real time.

Visibility Animation

Visibility animation turns the display of panes on and off.

Window Pane

Window panes are used to display windows.