
This documentation describes the use of NW4R LayoutEditor (or more simply, LayoutEditor). When using LayoutEditor, please refer to this documentation.

Notation Used in This Documentation

This section describes notation used in this documentation.

Menu Notation

Menus and menu items are written like this: Menu NameMenu Item.
For example, to indicate the Open item on the File menu, we would write: File -> Open.

Key Binding Notation

Key bindings that use multiple keys at the same time are written using a plus sign (+).
For example, "Ctrl+S" indicates that you press the S key while holding down the CTRL key.

NintendoWare Installation Folder

The folder in which NintendoWare is installed is written as "$(NintendoWare_Root)".

LayoutEditor Installation Folder

The folder in which LayoutEditor is installed is written as "$(LayoutEditor_Root)".

Sample Data

Sample data referred to in this description is stored in the folder $(LayoutEditor_Root)/sample.

Operating Environment

.NET Framework

To launch LayoutEditor, the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 is required.
Note: We cannot guarantee operations for versions of the .NET Framework other than 2.0.

DirectX End-User Runtime

LayoutEditor uses DirectX for rendering the Layout window. Although this will operate in an environment in which DirectX is not installed, parameters such as texture mapping and vertex colors cannot be properly verified in the Layout window. For this reason, we recommend that you install the DirectX End-User Runtime. LayoutEditor has been confirmed to work with Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (June 2007). For this reason, we recommend that you install a DirectX version newer than 9.0c (June 2007).

Download and install the DirectX End-User Runtime from one of the sites listed below:

Download site for DirectX End-User Runtime
Language URL
Japanese site
English site

Font Converter

The font converter must be installed in order to use the text box pane (text string) layout feature.