
Panes are rectangular areas on the screen that display images and text. They are the basic unit in the formation of layout data. LayoutEditor handles five kinds of panes: Null, Picture, Textbox, Window, and Boundary Condition.

Null Panes

A null pane is used when grouping and/or associating other panes.
Essentially, the null pane itself is not drawn.

An itemized list of example applications is given below.
- Used as the parent pane of other panes.
- Used to specify the display position of game objects.

Picture Panes

A picture pane is used to lay out images on the screen.
Fine adjustments can be made for the display parameters of the image.

Text Box Panes

A text box pane is used to lay out text strings.
Text box panes use NintendoWare binary font files as fonts.
Parameter adjustments for a text string, such as changing the color, size, or character spacing, can be made for a text box pane.

Window Panes

A window pane is used to create window objects by combining multiple textures.
Create windows by setting an image for the part of the pane called a "frame" and the part inside the frame called the "contents."

Boundary Condition Panes

A boundary condition pane is used to position the boundary condition area.

Size and Scale

The numerical values that specify the pane size consist of the size and the scale.
Size indicates the size of the pane itself. Scale indicates the scale value of the parent-child hierarchical structure.
Accordingly, when setting the parent-child hierarchy, changes in the scale value affect child panes. Size changes have no effect.
For window panes, changing the scale value changes the size of the entire window. However, changing the size changes only the size of the content region, not the frame size.
Decide when to use each based on the situation.