View Menu

The view menu relates to the display of sub-windows and layout windows.

View Menu

  1. Opens a sub-window.

    View > Sub-window

  2. Hide all sub-windows.

  3. Snaps the window border lines when a sub-window is moved or its size is changed.

  4. Uses an outline display for the layout window pane.

  5. Draws boundary lines for the layout window pane.

  6. Increases the display magnification of the layout window.

  7. Decreases the display magnification of the layout window.

  8. Increases the size of the layout window.

  9. Decreases the size of the layout window.

  10. Restores the display zoom ratio to 100% and changes the size of the layout window so that the entire layout is displayed.

  11. Changes the display zoom ratio so that selected panes are entirely displayed in the window.

  12. Displays a grid on the layout window.

  13. Snaps panes to the grid when they are moved.