PE Properties

Use these properties to edit detailed PE-related settings.

PE Properties

  1. Displays the current settings. It will be one of the following values.
    Setting for standard opaque rendering.
    Setting for standard removal (decal) rendering.
    Setting for standard translucent rendering.
    Additive composition
    Setting for standard additive composition rendering.
    Multiplicative composition
    Setting for standard multiplicative composition rendering.
    Subtractive composition
    Setting for standard subtractive composition rendering.
    Setting that does not match any of the above.
  2. Configures for standard rendering.

  3. Sets the conditions for Compare Processes 0 and 1 during alpha comparison.

    Never pass
    Never passes.
    Alpha < value
    Passes when Pixel alpha < Reference value.
    Alpha <= Value
    Passes when Pixel alpha <= Reference value.
    Alpha == Value
    Passes when Pixel alpha == Reference value.
    Alpha != Value
    Passes when Pixel alpha != Reference value.
    Alpha >= Value
    Passes when Pixel alpha >= Reference value.
    Alpha > Value
    Passes when Pixel alpha > Reference value.
    Always passes
    Always passes.

    Sets the calculation method for Compare Process 0 and Compare Process 1 during alpha comparison.

    Compare 0 AND compare 1
    Calculates AND.
    Compare 0 OR compare 1
    Calculates OR.
    Compare 0 XOR compare 1
    Calculates XOR.
    Compare 0 XNOR compare 1
    Calculates XNOR.
  4. Sets blend mode.

    Does no blend processing, and the pixel value is loaded into eFB without modification.
    Blend Calculations
    Blends based on the blend formula.
    Details on configuration are given in Blend Calculation Mode.
    Subtract from eFB
    Subtracts the frame buffer value from the pixel value and writes it to the frame buffer.
    Logic calculations
    Logically calculates the pixel value and the frame buffer value and writes it.
    Details on configuration are given in Logic Calculation Mode.

Blend Calculation Mode

Blend Calculation Mode

  1. Sets the coefficient that is multiplied by the pixel color.

    Constant value 0.
    Constant value 1.
    eFB color
    Frame buffer color.
    1-eFB color
    1-frame buffer color.
    Pixel alpha
    Pixel alpha.
    1-Pixel alpha
    1-Pixel alpha.
    eFB alpha
    Frame alpha color.
    1-eFB alpha
    1-frame buffer alpha.
  2. Sets the coefficient that is multiplied by the frame buffer color.

    Constant value 0.
    Constant value 1.
    Pixel color
    Pixel color.
    1-Pixel color
    1-Pixel color.
    Pixel alpha
    Pixel alpha.
    1-Pixel alpha
    1-Pixel alpha.
    eFB alpha
    Frame alpha color.
    1-eFB alpha
    1-frame buffer alpha.

Logic Calculation Mode

Logic Calculation Mode

  1. Sets the calculation method for logical calculations.

    Calculation result=0.
    Calculation result=1.
    Pixel color
    Calculation result=pixel color.
    ~Pixel color
    Calculation result=~pixel color.
    eFB color
    Calculation result=Frame buffer color.
    ~eFB color
    Calculation result=~Frame buffer color.
    Pixel color & eFB color
    Calculation result=Pixel color & frame buffer color.
    ~(Pixel color & eFB color)
    Calculation result=~(Pixel color & frame buffer color).
    Pixel color | eFB color
    Calculation result=Pixel color | frame buffer color.
    ~(Pixel color | eFB color)
    Calculation result=~(Pixel color | frame buffer color).
    Pixel color ^ eFB color
    Calculation result=Pixel color ^ frame buffer color.
    ~(Pixel color ^ eFB color)
    Calculation result=~(Pixel color ^ frame buffer color).
    Pixel color & ~eFB color
    Calculation result=Pixel color & ~frame buffer color.
    ~Pixel color & eFB color
    Calculation result=~Pixel color & frame buffer color.
    Pixel color | ~eFB color
    Calculation result=Pixel color | ~frame buffer color.
    ~Pixel color | eFB color
    Calculation result=~Pixel color | frame buffer color.