Texture Properties

Use texture properties to edit detailed settings of textures displayed in a pane.

This is divided into two parts: the upper part for managing textures and the lower part for making settings.

Common Parts of Texture Management and Settings

Texture Properties (Common Parts)

  1. Sets the textures to be used by a material.

    Texture settings are subject to automatic TEV calculations. A mark like the following is displayed in the upper right when settings are subject to automatic TEV calculations.

    TEV mark

    Furthemore, the number of textures used and the number of TEV stages are displayed in the lower left of the Properties page. The button for turning automatic TEV calculations on/off is also located here.

    When Automatic TEV Calculations are OFF

    Automatic TEV calculations are off

    When Automatic TEV Calculations are ON

    Automatic TEV calculations are on

  2. The texture's position is changed by moving the selected texture to the left.

  3. The texture's position is changed by moving the selected texture to the right.

  4. The texture is added to the texture having the next number after the selected one.

    The dialog shown when the button is pressed is described in The Adding Textures Dialog below.

  5. Deletes the selected texture.

  6. Displays a list of textures used.

  7. Displays a thumbnail image of the texture.

    The image resulting from the merging of the used palettes is displayed for textures that have color index formats.

  8. Displays the texture name.

    A palette name is displayed after the texture name for textures that have a color index format.

  9. Displays the format and size of the texture.

  10. Changes the texture's image.

    The dialog displayed when the button is pressed is the same as the Adding Textures Dialog (Data Selection Page).

  11. Performs settings for the selected texture.

    Selects the tab for making settings.

    Image Settings

    Performs texture image-specific settings.

    Details are explained on the Image tab below.

    Mapping Settings

    Performs texture mapping-specific settings.

    Details are explained on the Mapping tab below.

    Texture Pattern Animations

    Performs settings related to texture pattern animations.

    Details are explained under Texture Pattern Animation Settings below.

Image Settings

This page is used to set the repeat method and filtering settings for textures.

Texture Properties (Image Settings)

  1. Sets the repeat method for the U (V) direction.


    Clamping within the bounds of the image.


    Simply repeats.

    This can be selected only if the texture width (height) is a power of 2.


    Repeats with mirroring.

    This can be selected only if the texture width (height) is a power of 2.

  2. Sets the filtering for when texels are reduced or magnified and then displayed.


    Point sampling.


    Bilinear filtering.

    Linear is used for icon banner data, regardless of the settings.
    Do not specify anything other than Linear for icon banner data.

Mapping Settings

This is used to make settings related to texture mapping and the scaling, rotation, and translation of textures using a texture matrix.

Texture Properties (Mapping Settings)

  1. Select the number of the UV coordinate of the vertex used during UV mapping.

  2. Sets the filtering for when texels are reduced or magnified and then displayed.

    ScaleU, ScaleV

    Sets the Scale value.

    Link changes

    Specifies whether the U and V directions of the scale value are changed in unison.


    Sets a Rotate value.

    TranslateU, TranslateV

    Sets a Translate value.


    Resets the settings to the default.

Texture Pattern Animation Settings

Performs settings related to texture pattern animations.

Texture Properties (Texture Pattern Animation Settings)

  1. Displays a list of registered textures.


    The name of the texture.


    The texture width.


    The texture height.


    The texture format.

  2. Displays a list of textures registered for the texture pattern animation.


    Represents the registration number of the texture.


    The name of the texture.

  3. Adds the textures selected on the registered texture list to the texture pattern list.

  4. Deletes the textures selected on the texture pattern list.

  5. Moves the textures selected on the texture pattern list to the top.

  6. Moves the textures selected on the texture pattern list to the bottom.

  7. Clears the texture pattern list.

Add Texture Dialog Box

Selects the texture to be added.
The dialog box is split into the following two pages:

Texture Type Selection Page

Selects the texture type.

The Adding Textures Dialog, Texture Type Selection Page

  1. Selects the type of the texture to be added.
    Standard texture
    Textures mapped based on the vertex UV coordinates, normal vectors, and position coordinates.

Texture Data Selection Page

Selects the texture data.

The Adding Textures Dialog, Texture Data Selection Page

  1. Selects the texture to be used from the loaded textures.

  2. Displays the format and size of the selected texture.

  3. Selects the palette to be used from the loaded palettes.

    This is only enabled when color-index format textures are selected.

  4. Displays the format and number of colors for the selected palette.

    This is only enabled when color-index format textures are selected.