Extended User Data

Edits extended user data.

This feature uses the new file format version.
For this reason, this feature cannot be used in icon banner data.

Extended User Data


  1. Configures whether to use hexadecimal notation for integral user data in the user data list.

  2. Changes the order of selected user data in the user data list.

  3. Registers extended user data. If clicked, the registration dialog box is displayed.

    Automatic TEV Calculation Setting Dialog Box

    1. Enters the name of the extended data.
    2. Configures the extended data type.
    3. Enters the extended data. Enter one value per line when entering data in an array format.
    4. Confirms the input and registers the extended user data.
    5. Cancels data entry.
  4. Deletes the user data selected in the user data list.

  5. Edits the user data selected in the user data list. An editing dialog box is displayed.

  6. User data list. Displays extended user data in a list.