Animation Sharing Information Window

Edits configuration information for animation sharing.

This feature uses the new file format version. For this reason, this feature cannot be used in icon banner data.

Animation Sharing Information Window

  1. Creates new animation sharing information.

    Register animation sharing information.

    1. Specifies the shared source pane for animation.
      Note that although specifying a pane without an animation is not prohibited, it is meaningless to do so.
    2. Sets the pane selected in the layout window as the shared source pane.
    3. Specifies the animation sharing target by group.
    4. Edits the comment to attach to the sharing target.
    5. Confirms editing.
    6. Cancels editing.
  2. Edits sharing information selected in the sharing information list.

  3. Creates a group used for sharing information when specifying a sharing target.

    Create a new group for animation sharing.

    1. Specifies the shared source pane for animation.
      Note that although specifying a pane without an animation is not prohibited, it is meaningless to do so.
    2. Sets the pane selected in the layout window as the shared source pane.
    3. Specifies the position, in hierarchy levels, of the pane that is the search origin for the sharing target.
      Starting at the shared source pane, the tool will follow the parent hierarchy only for the number of levels indicated here, and use that pane as the search origin.
      The tool gathers all children (descendents) at the same number of hierarchy levels from the search origin pane as the shared source pane, and makes these into members of the target group.
    4. Uses panes that have the same type as the shared source pane when searching for the sharing target.
    5. Runs the search.
    6. Configures the target group name.
    7. Displays in a list the member panes found for the target group.
    8. Hides panes in the layout window that were not found for the target group.
    9. Confirms editing and creates a new group.
    10. Cancels editing.
  4. Hides panes that are not the target of the sharing information selected in the sharing information list.

  5. Hides panes that are not the target of the sharing information selected in the sharing information list.

  6. Sharing information list. Displays sharing information in a list.