Curve Editor

This window is used to edit animation curves.

Curve Editor

  1. Menus

    This command menu is for the Curve Editor.

  2. Graph Display Area

    This area is used to display and edit animation curves.

    Select the slope and other items to be edited by using the left mouse button to specify a range. The display area of the graph can be moved by dragging while pressing the space key and the left mouse button. The scale of the graph can be changed by dragging while pressing the space key and the right mouse button.

  3. Animation Curves

    The segment to be changed by editing keys is displayed using a white line.

    Key and slope edits are applied to the animation curve display in real time.

  4. Selected Key Frame

    The key frame that is the adjustment target.

    During key-frame selection, the key-frame point can be moved by dragging while holding down the right mouse button. When moving a key frame point by holding down the SHIFT key and dragging while holding down the right mouse button, either only the key-frame time (horizontal direction) or only the key value (vertical direction) is changed.

    The points at both ends of the key frame represent the slope adjustment points. During key-frame selection, the orientation of a slope can be adjusted by selecting the range for the slope adjustment points and then dragging while holding down the right mouse button.

    The scale adjustment grid will be displayed if the T key is pressed during key-frame selection. The scale can be adjusted by manipulating the grid.

  5. Attribute Tree

    The pane animation item (attribute) is displayed in tree view.

    When a node is selected, all animation curves set for attributes at or below the selected node are displayed.

    As shown below, nodes display the status of the corresponding attributes.

    The feature that automatically displays nodes that have selected key frames can be set from Select → Display selected curve automatically.

    Node (selected) Indicates that the node includes attributes that are the target of operations
    Node (unselected) Indicates that the node does not include attributes that are the target of operations
    Attribute (selected) Indicates that the attribute is the target of operations
    Attribute (unselected) Indicates that the attribute is not the target of operations
  6. Animation Frame Bar

    The Animation Frame Bar is a visual representation of the current time of the animation frame.

    The current frame position is displayed using a blue rectangle. The frame position can be changed by clicking with the mouse and dragging.

  7. Key Frame Bar

    The Key Frame Bar is a visual representation of the time in the animation frame where the key frame is located.

    The key frame is displayed using a red rectangle. The segment between key frames displayed in light blue is the animation segment.

  8. Animation Frame

    The Animation Frame shows the current time of the animation frame as a numeric value.

    The current time of the animation frame can be controlled using each of the buttons.

    Return to playback start frame Return to playback start frame
    Go back one frame Go back one frame
    Go back one key frame Go back one key frame
    Reverse Playback Reverse playback
    Stop Stop
    Playback Playback
    Forward one key frame Forward one key frame
    Forward one frame Forward one frame
    Forward to playback end frame Forward to playback end frame
  9. Set animation frame range

    Set enabled range for animation frames and other items.

    The pair of values outside represent the start and end frames, while the pair of values inside represent the playback start and playback end frames. Be sure to change the playback start and playback end frames when you want to play only a particular animation segment.

  10. Key Frame Information Display Area

    This area displays information about the currently selected key frame. The key frame time, key value, and sync with the left-right slope are displayed from the left.

  11. Control of Display Target Switching

    Configures whether or not to switch the edit target in the Curve Editor to correspond to the pane selection in the Layout window.
    Use the update button to perform updates when automatic updates are disabled.

  12. Selected Key Frame's Arrow Key Movement Speed Setting

    Configures the amount by which the selected key frame is moved by the arrow key.
    Click to display the Settings dialog box.
    When disabled, the tool automatically configures an appropriate value based on the display scale.

Curve Editor Operations

Operations that can be performed when editing animation curves are gathered together and described here.

PurposeMethod of Operation
Creating a key
  • Execute the menu operation Key → Create key (shortcut: S)
  • Click the Create Key icon
Selecting a key
  • Use the left mouse button to specify a range to surround the key frame point in the graph display area. (To add to the selection, press the SHIFT key while performing the operation.)
  • Execute the menu operation Select → Select all keys (shortcut: CTRL+A).
  • Click the Previous key and Next key buttons.
Changing the key frame time
  • Enter a value for the key frame time in the Key Frame Information Display Area.
  • Drag the slope selected in the graph display area while holding down the right mouse button. You can change only the key frame time by dragging while holding down the SHIFT key.
  • Press the T key while a key is selected in the graph display area. You can change the time by manipulating the scale adjustment grid.
  • Use the scale adjustment feature from Edit → Scale Adjustment.
Changing key values
  • Enter key values in the key frame information display area.
  • Drag the slope selected in the graph display area while holding down the right mouse button. At this point, dragging while holding down SHIFT changes only the key value.
  • Press T while a key is selected in the graph display area. You can change the value by manipulating the scale adjustment grid.
  • Use the scale adjustment feature from Edit → Scale Adjustment.
Fine-tuning the key value.
  • Use the arrow key while a key frame is selected.
Changing the slope
  • After selecting the slope adjustment point by specifying a range with the left mouse button to surround the slope adjustment point for the selected slope, drag the slope adjustment point by holding down the right mouse button.
  • Perform the menu operation Key → Set Slope to Spline (shortcut: Ctrl+1).
  • Perform the menu operation Key → Set Slope to Linear Interpolation (shortcut: Ctrl+2).
  • Perform the menu operation Key → Set Slope to 0 (shortcut: Ctrl+3).
  • Perform the menu operation Key → Set Slope to Step (shortcut: Ctrl+4).
  • Click on each icon type Slope settings (spline, linear, zero, or step).