Function Menu of the Group Management Window

Function Menu of the Group Management Window

  1. Cuts the selected pane.

  2. Copies the selected pane.

  3. Pastes into the selected pane.

  4. Deletes the selected pane.

  5. Displays a window for editing the selected group.

    Group Edit Window

    1. Enter the group name.

      Note that the original name will be reapplied if you try to enter the name of an already existing group.

    2. Enter a comment.
  6. Removes the selected group and/or pane from group management.

  7. Locks panes belonging to the selected group (locks the pane in question if a pane is selected).

  8. Unlocks panes belonging to the selected group (unlocks the pane in question if a pane is selected).

  9. Hides panes belonging to the selected group (hides the pane in question if a pane is selected).

  10. Displays hidden panes belonging to the selected group (displays the pane in question if a pane is selected).

  11. Sets whether the selected pane is displayed automatically.
    If this item is enabled, the corresponding node is automatically displayed when the pane is selected in the layout window.