This directory contains a bunch of scripts, Python 3 files, and batch files as examples of automating various Mineways functions. Some can be run as-is, others need to be edited first in order to load your world. Open a file in a text editor to read what it does, and modify it as you wish. Note: *.mwscript - a Mineways scripting file, executed by using "File | Import Settings" in Mineways *.bat - a Windows batch file, a set of commands to run Mineways or other programs *.py - a Python 3 script, usually for generating a Mineways script or Windows batch file See for documentation of scripting commands. FILES: _README.txt - This file. - Annotate a map with coordinates and regions. Read the top of this file for how to set up to use it. blender_alpha_hashed.txt - A script for Blender to make materials have the more useful Alpha Hashed property for the blend and shadow modes. See the top of the file for instructions. blender_blocky.txt - A script for Blender to make the textures on blocks look blocky. See the top of the file for instructions. build_jgrtx_terrain_files.bat - A script to turn the JG-RTX terrain resource pack into terrainExt files for Mineways. See the top of the file for instructions. close.mwscript - A trivial little script to close Mineways. custom_printer_defaults.mwscript - For custom 3D printing; shows how to set various 3D printing values. diamond_posts.mwscript - Shows how to temporarily (on export only) place diamond block posts in your world. export_and_annotate.bat - Make the annotation map commands file magick_annotate_map.bat, and run it. export_map.mwscript - Given that you have already loaded a world manually, select an area and export it. heightfield.mwscript - Mineways script generated by - A Python script that reads a heightmap image and creates a Mineways .mwscript heightfield of blocks for export. Also included are the example output heightfield.mwscript and image r_bump_map.png used to generate it. - A simple Python script to make a Mineways .mwscript file that will export a series of separate large, square area models. hunks_output.mwscript - A sample hunks output script, for exporting four rendering models next to each other on the map. load_world.mwscript - A simple script to load your world. You'll need to edit it before you run this one. make_map_tiles.mwscript - An example of exporting a set of maps, each 1000 x 1000 pixels. - A Python 3 script used to generate a Mineways script for exporting a series of maps at different depths. How the map_slices.mwscript and map_slices_reversed.mwscript scripts were generated. map_slices.mwscript - An example of exporting a set of maps showing cutaway layers. map_slices_reversed.mwscript - An example of exporting a set of maps showing cutaway layers, output in top to bottom order. mineways_annotate_map.bat - Quietly open Mineways and export a map, then annotate it. See You'll need to edit this one before running it. r_bump_map.png - Read by to produce heightfield.mwscript. register-Mineways-run-as-administrator.bat - Tries to associate .mwscripts with Mineways, so that when you double-click an .mwscript file it will start Mineways with it. Doesn't quite work - help appreciated! remap_mouse_buttons.mwscript - If you would prefer the left mouse to select the export region and the right to pan, import this script. render_defaults.mwscript - The script commands for setting a default Wavefront OBJ render export, for reference. simple_export.mwscript - A simple rendering model export script. sketchfab.mwscript - How to upload to Sketchfab in a script. startup.mwscript - A sample startup script for Mineways, called by mineways.bat in the directory above. Edit to your own preferences.