Fixed Processing of Key Frames Outside a Segment

The span of frames prior to the leading key frame (the one having the smallest time value) and the span of frames subsequent to the final key frame (the one having the largest time value) are referred to as the areas outside the key frame segment.

LayoutEditor has a feature to automatically calculate curves for the areas outside the key frame segment.

Differences Between Fixed Processing Methods and Output Data

Fixed processing of key frames outside a segment can be performed using LayoutEditor or the binary converter.
(If you choose to process them with the binary converter, the --bake-infinity option is specified as a converter argument.)
You can choose from these two methods for the LayoutEditor's binary export feature.

When the animation segment tag end frame and loop end frame (automatically generated keys) of the data to be processed match, the output value for the end frame will differ for the two processing methods.

-Tag end frame value
When processed by the tool: value of the loop start frame
When processed by the converter: value of the loop end frame

Because playback stops at the end value particularly when a tag is set to one-time, there is a possibility that results will differ greatly.
(However, if the next animation starts playing immediately after the end frame is played, it is unlikely that either method will cause problems.)

When using the binary output feature of LayoutEditor, you can select which method to use for fixed processing of the key frame.
Under standard operations, fixed processing is performed by the converter.
To force compatible operations with past versions of LayoutEditor, select so that LayoutEditor performs fixed processing.