Binary File Output Dialog Box

This dialog is used to export binary layout files.

Binary File Output Dialog Box

  1. Specify the directory in which to export the binary layout file.

  2. Specify the filename of the binary layout file.

  3. Select whether to create an export directory having the name of the layout.

  4. Select whether to use fixed values when exporting values for parts of the animation curve where keys have not been created.

    When this option is specified, LayoutEditor will convert and export automatically generated curves in the key frame format that can be processed by the Wii console library.

    This option must be specified whenever applying changes to Wii console data for curves that are automatically generated in the area outside the key frame segment.
    You can select a method for performing fixed processing that uses the tool or the converter. (Click here for details.)

  5. Determine escape strings from the string information in the text box pane, and then select whether to convert it to a particular control code.

  6. Select whether to export the animation by splitting it up using tag information attached to the animation segment.

  7. Select the export file type when tag information is not used.

  8. Start the export of the binary layout files.