Edit Menu

This menu is for making edits such as copying and pasting panes.

Edit Menu

  1. Restores contents that were changed by editing and returns to the state before editing.

    Operations that involve the importing and exporting of files (open/close) will delete the edit history.

    Once that occurs, be aware that states prior to that action cannot be recovered.

  2. Reapplies edits to content that was restored and changes to the state after editing.
  3. Cuts the selected pane.

    Animation-related information is not pasted when pasting panes.

    Note that animation information is therefore lost when pasting a cut pane.

  4. Copies the selected pane.
  5. Pastes the cut or copied pane.

    Group settings and animation-related information is not pasted when using menu-based pasting. Be sure to use the Pane Information Paste Control Window when copying animations.

  6. Deletes the selected pane.
  7. Switches whether the animation is included in the copy target when copying and pasting.
  8. Displays the Tool Environment Setup Dialog Box.