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Contact and Support

Email: use this link or write me direct at [email protected].

Have questions or ideas? Post in the Reddit group or visit the Mineways Discord server. I check Reddit on Mondays, so don't expect a fast response.

If you have a bug, please check here and here first. If those ideas don't help, please tell me everything you can about your problem: PC or Mac, exactly what you did, what else you tried, what you then saw, and so on. The more you tell me, the more likely I am to be able to help you and others.

If you have a suggestion for a new feature, great! Give the wish list a look to see if it's already listed. Even if it's there, please do write - your opinion counts. The more people want a feature, the more likely I am to add it.

If you prefer to not use email or Reddit, you can log an issue on Github. That page also lets you see the status of open issues. Closed issues can be viewed here.

For Blender-specific questions, check the docs, visit our Mineways Discord server and look at #blender, then consider visiting the MCprep Blender Discord server. People there are quick to respond to Mineways + Blender questions.

If you would like to receive emails about new releases of Mineways, you can join the Mineways mailing list (no spam, not sold, only about new releases).

Your email: Announcement archive