Header image

Mineways features are explained in detail on this page. Troubleshooting information is here and, for platform-specific problems, here.

Mouse and Keyboard

Also, hover the mouse over an option in the Export dialog for more information on it.

More on mouse controls in the Selection section.

You can drag and drop many kinds of files on to Mineways to load them:

Handy shortcut keys, for precision work:

All shortcut keys are shown at the end of this page.

Mineways Menu Items

Shortcut keys are shown in parentheses next to each command.

File Menu

View Menu

Colors Menu

Help Menu

Mineways Export Options

You can usually ignore this scary dialog box and just click "OK" or hit the Enter key to skip it.

Rendering related:

3D Print related:

Mineways Command Line Options

Using these options from the command line lets you customize how Mineways starts up.

mineways.exe [-w X Y] [-s UserSaveDirectory] [-l mineways_exec.log] [file1.mwscript [file2.mwscript [...]]]

Specify the file name and path for a script or model file to load on startup.

-w X Y
Specify the X and Y resolution in pixels of the startup window. Values must be positive integers.

Start up Mineways as a minimized window. Useful for running scripts to completion with "Close" at the end to shut the program down.

-s UserSaveDirectory
Specify the directory where your Minecraft worlds are located, shown in the "File | Open World" list. This directory is "%appdata%\.minecraft\saves" by default, if not specified. The directory is not a single world's save folder, but rather a directory holding all world folders you want to choose from. If your directory path has spaces in it, you need to use double-quotes around the path, e.g. -s "C:\temp\My Minecraft Saves". Use "-s none" to load no world list at all.

-l mineways_exec.log
For debugging startup problems, you'll normally never use this. Saves startup and commands executed to the file specified.

Mineways Files

Shortcut Keys

All shortcut keys for Mineways. Holding "Shift" does not matter for shortcut keys.