
The following property items can be edited.

When using detailed information for each pane that includes a material, property items where "(detail)" appears after the item name are not displayed unless the "Make detailed material settings" check box has been checked.


This window is for editing pane properties.

Property Window

  1. Fix panes to be displayed.

    Panes to be displayed on the Property window do not change even if other panes are selected while panes are fixed.

  2. Display the names of panes to be displayed.

  3. Displays property items in tree format.

    Property details are displayed in the property editing area on the right when a property item is selected.

    The property items that appear depend on the type of pane.

  4. Property editing area in which property details are displayed.

    Properties are edited here.

  5. Copy the details of the selected property item.

  6. Paste the copied property item details.

    Details cannot be pasted unless the same property items as being copied are set.

  7. Display the Property window for the same pane in another window. There are no restrictions on the number of windows that can be displayed.

    Using this feature, the following operations are possible.